Wednesday, November 24, 2010

11 months

Less than one month to go and she will be 1 year old! We are eager to celebrate the first Christmas with her.

New food introduced this month: pumpkin and caramel, surely she is a kid who doesn't refuse sweet stuffs. A headache for us though when feeding her in this chair...

She won't want to sit still and keep standing up and moving left right! She takes longer time to finish her meal now.

There is something about the washing machine that she loves: getting out the laundry and throwing them on the floor :-(

She is also curious what is inside the machine.

First thing in the morning when she walked into the living room: grabbed the bread on the table that her daddy claimed belongs to him.

To compensate daddy's lost, we went to get breakfast for him: a fresh out of oven pain au chocolat, sent directly to the bed by Aelig.

Having a walk outside in the cold weather. She could stand up by herself now without having to hold on to anything first in order to stand up.

Highlight of the month: she started walking 5 days before she turned 11 months! She was with her daddy and great-grandma when suddenly she was walking 11 steps. Even since then she keeps walking and doesn't crawl as much. How long will it take before this girl running around in the apartment and dressing her becomes impossible?

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