Thursday, August 31, 2017

Black bread is the new trend?

There were a some bakeries chains with French name in Busan : Paris Baguette, Tous les jours...they were everywhere and quite popular among the locals. So I figured they must be selling French baguette. One day I went inside a bakery in the biggest shopping center in Busan and my eyes were caught on these breads.

Well, these black color breads didn't look too appealing to me. 

 A black baguette with foreign filling, it must looked weird to French people.

But no, France also selling black baguette, bake with charcoal. Saw this here.

It must be the new trend.


  1. Mmm... strange. I'm used to dark bread, like rye bread or cereal bread, but I'm not sure this one is tastier. I did noticed a new trend in Nantes, though : les croissants bicolores, i.e. regular dough and chocolaty dough!

  2. The same bakeries in Busan are also in Singapore, there are quite a few bakeries here in French name as well i guess it is fancy to be associated with France when it comes to pastries
