We have arrived safely in Malaysia.
We are welcomed by my families and also, the haze.
Indonesia is burning their forest again, and this time Singapore got their share, the pollution level is at a dangerous level in several areas.
Anyway, back to the trip.
It was a long trip. We left home around 5am French time (11am Malaysian time), and arrived the next day around 3am French time (9am Malaysian time). A total of 20 hours' trip using all mean of transport : car, bus, tramway, train, plane, car. Aelig kept repeating : car, bus, tramway 3 times (including the transit in the airport), plane. And she asked to go on a boat.
At the immigration, one officer told us to go through the non-EU line so we could stay as a family. We met another officer and we wanted to switch to the EU line but he said that since I'm a non-EU citizen I would need to use the non-EU line in order to get a stamp on my passport. While queuing, we met another officer who got us passing through the long queue since we were traveling with a young kid. That was nice!
With Aelig growing up, it is easier to travel with her. She slept quietly on her seat instead of stretching her legs and moving on us. No more diaper, no more milk powder, no more pacifier. She watched "A life of bug" over and over again, and required the headphone at all times. As for me, I watched three movies : Caught in The Web (Chinese), I Love Hong Kong 2013 (Cantonese) and Miracle in Cell 7 (Korean). I did sleep but couldn't sleep as well as before. I remember I used to sleep through the whole trip from LA to KUL 18 hours straight. Hubby was all happy to be in the double decker Air Bus 380. It has big screen with better quality, he was excited to eat some Nasi Lemak and Beef Rendang, and drink some Tiger Beer!
Touched down in KLIA.
So what was in our luggages?
Crazy Asian ladies loving their LV and Long Champ bags.
Hubby wishes to dive. We are heading to an Island soon but the weather forecast predicting thunderstorm throughout our stay, thing is not looking good.
And, raclette cheeses, my family is addicted to them...
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