Monday, July 04, 2011

Saturday morning bread hunt 5

A: Ladies and gentlemen, it is Saturday bread hunt time again.

A: This time, I'm very unlucky, I fell down on the way and hurt half side of my face! :-( The good news is, the bakery has upgraded me to their VIP list, this is the second time I got a chouquette from them and NO, I will not share this with daddy!

Got home.
A: Let's check what is inside the bag. Oh, two pain au chocolat, nice!

A: Daddy, I'm home with your bread, I will charge your 10 kisses for this.

Daddy: Ok ok, now hand me the bread.
A: Can I use your computer?
Daddy: NO!

A: Ok I have my bread. Now let's runnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!
Daddy: No Aelig you are not allowed to touch my computer!!!!

A: The first one who sits on the chair in front of the computer will have the right to use the computer for the whole day.
Daddy: NOOOOO!!!

Daddy: Aelig, get away from my computer.
A: NOOOO!! Now play me my favorite Youtube videos.

A: hmmmm, eating pain au chocolat + watching videos + annoying daddy = life is good, une vie en rose.


  1. hahaha sacrée Aelig !! A son âge, elle a déjà tout compris ....chapeau !


  2. raa no eating in front of the computer
