This keeps me thinking about all the mouth watering ramadhan food in Malaysia. Usually the Muslims "buka puasa" (breaking of fast) around 7:30pm, so ramadan bazaar or "pasar ramadan" in Malay will start around 4pm and close before the buka puasa.
Ramadhan bazaar in Klang
All the photos below are taken from masak-masak blog, a very talented food photographer in Malaysia.
Hmm, give me a "ikan bakar" bbq fish anytime.

"ayam bakar" bbq chicken will make my day too.

Ketupat, best eaten with satay sauce or rendang.

This photo is so beautiful it amplifies the desire to eat the cake.

Look like a mini "roti canai" Indian bread to me. Best accompanied with some curry sauce.

The rainbow color layer cake.

To all my French friends who discovered agar agar in Malaysia, this one is dedicated to you! :-)

I wish I could in Malaysia now to savor all these goodies!
ugh, now that i'm expecting, I'm suddenly EVEN MORE kempunan all the malaysian food i haven't had in years!!! I WANT AYAM PERCIK!! Even the little 50cent nasi lemak with sambal and cucumber will be like heaven.. *sigh*