Sunday, March 11, 2007

Day 25: The Wedding

20.2.07 is our wedding day in Malaysia. It was a sunny day.

Fabien is getting ready to go to my house.

He arrived at my house. My nephew opened the car door for him. In return he needs to give him an ang pao.

He is waiting outside with his supporters.

He is going upstair to get me with his friends.

I'm waiting inside the room for my prince charming to pick me up.

There are some barriers for him to pass through, with his friends' help.

My sister and nieces have created a chamber of toiture, this is one of the toiture for him: breads with wasabi and some unknown ingredients.

He's thinking hard on how to response to some of the questions posted to him, it's just too hard!

He wrongly answered one of the question and his friends have to suffer for him. haha


His supporters got a bit upset...

No choice but have to take up the punishment: eating jelly that they hate the most...

He looks confident tough...

Impatient to see his bride, they push through...

And they won!

We finally got to see each other.

We are the stars of the day.

Tea ceremony for my family side.

Going to the groom's temporarily house.

His brother opened the car door and received angpao.

Tea ceremony for his family.

Photo shooting in the room with the guests. Due to privacy issue I'm relunctant to realise the photos with guests.

Tasting the sour, sweet, bitter and spicy, tastes that we will have to face in our marriage life.

See how hot is it for him? Poor groom.

Went photo shooting in a park. It was too hot that we didn't stay long.

It's in the tradition the groom throw the bride's veil to signify the beginning of their new life.

The wedding went smoothed, thanks to the helps from everybody who have contributed, attended and helped out in this wedding! Billion thanks to everyone!


  1. Wow, what great memories everyone is going to have! Your wedding looked like so much fun, thanks for sharing it with us!

  2. Bee Ean,

    It really worth the effort, isn't it ? I am so happy for you. U did a wonderful job !!

    You have conquered the odds by bring the East and the West families together !

    Good job !

    Wish you a very long and happy marriage and a happy family together.

    Do not hesitate to write to me when you go through low period in the future. I will always there for you my friend.


  3. Thanks Jamy,

    It's still painful to have the flashback of my 5 weeks in Malaysia. Thinking of how I could made things better. But anyway I'm gradually recovering.

  4. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Your photos really look lovely. Congratulations again and all the best for a long and happy marriage!

  5. congratulations on the happy occasion. you make a radiant bride!
