Thursday, October 19, 2006

Carte Tempo

Now I can move around Nantes for free, taking non-TGV trains for a discount price.

Carte Tempo is provided by the mayor of Nantes, to Nantais who are unemployed. You are required to bring a photo, the letter from Assedic (the unemployment agency in France), proof of your domicile and your carte de séjour. You will get it the same day if you bring along all these necessary documents.

If you know you are not going to get a job any soon, I suggest that you register yourself with Assedic. I did it online, and they sent me the document on the second day. I didn't get used to being addressed by my bf's surname, so I put the letter aside thinking that it was for my bf.

Anyway, I missed the first appointment, and have to call them to set up another apointment, which is one week from the day I call.

The appointment just meant to register you with the unemployment agency, analyse whether you are qualified to receive any financial help, then you will need to go to the government job agency: ANPE. Through ANPE, you will be advised to get some more education or training to increase your chances in getting a job.

I'm now officially one of the unemployed person in France, a long with millions.


  1. CONGRATULATION ! My dear friend !

  2. Hi Jamy,

    You are congratulated me bcos I'm unemployed? haha

  3. Friend, congratulate u get the pass :).
