Last Sat we went to a science fiction festival organised by the Nantes Townhall in the Congress building. We saw a lot of family with young kids. I guess this is a good way to show them stuffs related to science. We watched series of short movies from around the world about science fiction. I loved one of them: A guy received a weird machine. Basically whatever he put inside the machine will appear from the sky in a gigiantic size, and he can take the stuff outside of his house from the machine and the stuff will be in smaller size. He got inspired, and took the whole polluting industry lot from the machine, which transform into a toy size lot. He then put his flower plant into the machine. Eh voila, he saw a big plant outside his house!
The organiser invited several people from different countries to discuss about democracy. Weird ah, democracy in a science fiction festival? Some of the panels were speaking in French with very strong anglo-saxon accent and some French were laughing at then. I wonder whether I had been made fun of my French when I speak? With Malaysian accent?
There are a lot of games prepared for the public, especially the young. I found it to be a very healthy culture, where people with different age ranges just sit down and play a game that will make you use your mind. It's better for them to go drink and get drunk all the times.
This is a game called Loups-Garous (wildwolves). We played it several times at home.
There are science fiction books for sale and some of the authors are present. We bought a book and the author signed for us.
Comic is very popular among the young French. There are several authors present and there are long queue to wait for their signatures. It's not only a signature, they will draw something on the book you buy and personalize it for you.
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