Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Malaysian with 25 children granted by court to take his fourth wife

He is 49 years old.
He has 25 children.
He has three wives.
He earns RM20k (around 4k euros) a month as property negotiator.
All his wives agree on him taking a fourth wife.

Fact: Muslim men can take up to four wives in Malaysia if the Shariah court believes they can provide financial and emotional care for all their spouses and children. But it is uncommon for Malaysian men to take more than one or two wives.

For full article read here.

I don't know anyone who takes more than a wife legally. I wonder whether any rich man who could show the financial ability could get a permission to take 4 wives. I couldn't understand who his wives are willing to share him with another women. What would his children think? Are they going to do the same when they grow up?

Question to hubby: Would you take 4 wives if you were rich?
Answer: No, one is already required a lot of work. :-)

Good answer.

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